September 03, 2006

Back To School...

And the race is off again. Excpet this time the stakes are higher and, alot more desirable. Yes ladies and other, I am talking about Graduation. The finaly pass that unberable finish mark that says "I'm smart", "I am successfull", "I can continue to post-secondary to presue a career to make lots of money" and my personal favorite "I should graduate because that is what is expect of a First Nations man." Bullshit I say. Bullshit to the parents, leaders and close minded people who just fucking irritate me with that.

Been pondering my situation with high school. For those who would like to know, here is the low down.

  • Failed Grade 8 Math, Science, English and Social due to lack of attentence. Passed Drama high and barely made it past P.E.
  • Failed Grade 8 Math and Grade 9 Math Essentials.
  • Failed Grade 9 Socials, Science and English due to lack of attendence.
  • Slacked off completly for the year of grade 11.
So, if you calculate that correctly: I have to completle gr.10 Science, English and Math, plus gr. 11 Science, English and Math. I'll be in History 12 and Law 12 but everything else will still be catching up. What this equals is a year of acidemics with no breaks. All in order to graduate. I'll even have to come back next year and do English 12 to "really" grad. Oh well, the price I pay for failing the system... or did it fail me?

But I am excited. For the teen spirit, over-eager kiddies and fresh air of freedome from the confines of High School. Clics, Cliches, and crappy food will be gone. Immature, uneducated fools won't be around me by choice. The excitment is all due to the fact of, well, "good riddence."

I am hoping of course to create memories. I mean, this is the grad class I've spent the last 4 years with. Plus, I will admit my overjoyment comes with the territory of grad tradition and events. This tuesday is the time honored tradition of "Grad Sleep-Out". But, I am excited for everything except "school." Maybe after this, learning can begin.

So, let's raise our glasses to the current education system, may not be designed to, but does herd my people in to fine citizens, capitialistic job seeking, employed work force members of the great Canadian society. I am just so fed of with school I want to scream (and proably will.)

Although, a friend and ally has recommended highly a book titled "The Teenage Liberation". I've been interested as of late into alternatives to education in the hopes of my niece/nephew on the way (Oct 31st.) Hopefully I will have educated myself enough to be a facilitator in my new addition the families learning curve for the rest of it gods given life.

May the gods bless my path,
as I walk through the valley of darkness
in a grey world to find
a slightly lighter shade of grey.

So say we all.


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