August 18, 2006

OldManRivers Update 1.1

Here begins the current update of OldManRivers. I decided I am going to split the updates into different posts because there is so much to report on.

Where O' where to begin. Let's begin with current projects. As you can see from a few posts ago (link) I am reading a few books. I started reading Our Word is Our Weapon by Subcomandante Marcos and am currently on page 72. After reading some of the letters and essays, I realized I couldn't handle reading all of that straight. It's like going to a speach or lecture day after day. I need a story to be told, somtimes. With that, I decided to crack open another book; Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey. Only a few chapters in, lines like this had me cracking up:

"Why don't it build women. Bonnie asked. Or how about the truckers' editorial?


Don't threaten me, you sons of bitches."

As for my latest pride and joy, I have wonderful news. For years now I've wanted a special toy, that has a special place in my heart. I know the saying goes "Love people, use things, not love things, use people." but this tool I use and carry, I absolutly love. Taken me years to final get it, but a month to build the money to buy it. I finaly have my new computer. Now presenting the MacBook Duo Core. Black and sleek, almost as sexy as moi. I'm so in love with it, I'm thinking of naming her. Anyways, I can now have a tool that is almost as fast as me. Now, as I gather the money, I am going to buy certain programs to assist me in my artist commentary on my life, and life in general. It feels so rewarding to have finaly bought this. It was my BE DO HAVE project completed. Although it was an arm and leg, it's true for greens that, no matter how much the car cost, if it has everything a green wants, they get it. This computer is exactly what I wanted, and it's mine! Tehehehehehehehehehe

What's next? Oh, yes. Teen Camp. (I think it's humorous how this post is in no particular order and reflect my thinking as of late.)

Last week I was plesured and gifted to coach at Choices Teen Camp. (Click Here). Absolutly amazing week. This is my second time around, and this was very different. One of the major differences being my two younger sisters were going through the program. I was also blessed with the chance to face a few of my own demons. My hope for the week was to balance myself, and that I accomplished. Now I just feel shattered, and have to build myself. "You can't take down the masters house with the masters tools."

I'm begining to think that my gift from kexe7nek siyam is that of idea's. My train of though on artistic and political idea's come flowing through me. I can only imagine what I could accomplish with the right training. My most recent idea, which I was able to add on to last night, was that of a Indigenous Endarged Languages Foundation (Name Pending). It's main purpose would be that our language don't die. Thinking about this, I believe that there isn't enough agents devoted to this cause. Instead of complaining, condeming or critizising, I plan on creating this chairty to devote it's cause to lauguages. Last night, while trying to go to sleep, I had the idea for on tactic to accomplish the foundation's goal. I am clandestine to reveal my greatest idea's in the caution it is not developed in my mind enough yet. Surfice to say, it will be exciting to start working on this project.

The humorous thing about my idea's is that most, if not all, don't require a post-secondary degree or high school degree for that matter. I'm unsure if even they are assests because they could be effectivly accomplished without either. I imagine in my future, straight out of high school, I will have a successful career in jobs and oppertunities created by myself. I don't imagine getting a job will ever be that hard when my heart is in it. I have a year till I graduate, and with that, a year to get ready with my foundations, companies, and projects. Lots of time, but not enough.

My greatest mindset recently was the fact I am not perfect. Nor are my heroes. Although I have my own weakness', peoples weakness' are they're strengths going one step too far. With that, I am more then confident that I can accomplish my wildest dreams because I know with friends, allies and people I consider family, they will pick up on my weakness' because it is their strengths. Does Superman learn himself how to build the space station for the Justice League? No, he gets Batman to do it because Batman has the smarts. Bruce Wayne has the funds, and the Flash can get it done in no time. See what I mean? I believe strongly this fight will not be done alone, but with numbers. It's taken a few select committed individuals to change the world in a durrastic way before, and will in the future. I only ask to form the Justice League of the Salish, Kwakwaka'wakw, Nuu-chan-nulth. lol

After recent debate with Chiefs, collaboraters, and sell-outs, I'm glad in my position and idea's. As my friend posted in his blog, he quotes one of my fictional heroes.

"Our children need to know that some people fought back while others collaborated,"
- President Laurua Roslin (Battlestar Galactica)

With that, I am ready to be ready. Brothers & sisters I am frakkin' ready.


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