July 22, 2006

Keeps the Burn

XWEMELCHSTN UXWUIMIXW, OCCUPIDED SALISH TERRITORY - Oooooowwwccch! My back is stinging like hell. I've been slapping on Aloe Vera gel every so often, and took a shower but it'll be a while before it goes away. Yesterday I did the smart thing of going on the canoe without any protection with me (no, not condoms), but sun block. The canoe pull from the Misquito Creek Marina to Ambesilde Beach, then back, burned me up right up my back. As my father said "you look as red as a lobster". I looked and I agree, I'm pretty darn pink/red.

So, yesterday. My buddy Kahpelk asked me to pull in the canoe he carved a year ago for the Cultural Center going up in Whistler. The canoe's name is Xaays. It's one of the names for the transformers. A story canoe, but really nice hot rod. He put in the water to welcome the canoes coming in for Tribal Journeys 2006. This year is Muckelshoot. The Skwxwu7mesh people had two canoes to welcome in 9 other canoes in total.

The pull to Ambleside was very quant. Took us less then an hour. Going under Lions Gate Bridge is always fun when your fighting the current. For a bit it felt like we're on a treadmill. lol. But we made it to Ambleside and relaxed for a bit till everyone was ready to start the protocal. The canoes pulled off the beach, bunched up, and we begain protocal. Unfortunaly some people couldn't figure out what was going on, and so everyone got confused. It eventualy worked out fine, so it's all good. But it was fantastic to be on the water. It's been a long time for me and I enjoy it alot. Wasn't hot at all for me, but my skin speaks differently.

Now, all day I've been burning up because of my burned skinned. My friend applyed some medicine she had and that helped abit, but looks like only time and patience will really help. I'll keep aplying Aloe Vera gel every so often, and hopefully things will get better.

The really crappy part is my phone. Unfotunaly, I did not follow my instincts and leave my phone at home. I took it with me and, now, it is officaly broken. Water damage. This means I will have to buy a new one. (Which sucks because I don't feel like buying a new phone.) So all those who want to text or call me, it's OUT OF COMISSION, for now. I'll probably send it into the shop on monday, but till then I'll keep checking my messages every hour I can.

That's the latest update. I bought some rollerblades today and plan on going the sea wall close to sunset. My friend asked me to go to the Alano club with her, so I'll probably break some new holes into that dance floor tonight...lol

On the list tomorrow? River swimming, BBQ and fun with friends. I'll keep you aprised.


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