April 13, 2006

OldManRivers Covenant Agreement

I, Dustin Rivers, grandchild of Tiyaltelut, from the Skwxwu7mesh-ulh, commit to

(a) honoring my mind and spirit, by treating it with dignity, consuming only that which is healthy and avoid that which is self defeating to my mind. I do this because am to do the best I can do, be the champion I can be, and live the best I can experience life. It is important I only put information, knowledge and wisdom to help me live my purpose; so that I can spread my gifts of knolwedge and wisdom, and breath the noble way into the fire. I can do this by decolonizing my every day activities. The only shows I can watch are: Smallville, OC, Veronica Mars, ANTM, Daily Show, Cobert Report, Conan, 969, and SNL. In the aloted spare time, I will consue information and pass time by reading books, such as: Autobiography of Malcolm X, The Da Vinci Code, Legend of Earthsea, Dune, Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy, Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life, 100 Years Of Solitude, Art of War, Soul Sword: The Way and Mind of a Zen Warrior. This is to concentrate on learning more to live my purpose.

(b) learning more of the ancient skwxwu7mesh language, history and culture. I do this because my people are in a crisis of extinction through way of life and it is my purpose on this plane of exsistance. It is important I learn the language, history and culture so that I can better myself and learn more about the noble way. I can do this by learning and memorizing one skwxwu7mesh word a day; read or hear a legend once a week; translate a speach or conversation once a month. This is to better myself, my family and my community so that we can become the burning flame we once were.

I Am A Confident Determined Man Who Gives Breath To The Noble Way As A Humble Emissary

Dustin Rivers,


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