December 19, 2005

and the redundant gets done

Okay, so to say it short, I'm an extremly gross and discusting guy. Mostly because I have this bad habit i leaving shit out. Like Food. I know it's gross. My room has a smell to it. And within 3 days I've made a "smell" for this spare room. I can't smell it. My dad was almost puking though. So I have no idea what it smells like. Either way, it has a smell and it aint pretty. I'm pretty sure my room "room" is even worse. "Bad dustin, BAD!"

I was going to do this yesterday but I just felt to tired. Today I don't feel alot better or energized but I'm doing it to day. Clean my goddamn room. It's like messy as hell and needs to be clean. I'm going to see if I can last till January 1st without getting it dirrty. I've also decided not to eat in my rooms anymore. When I want to eat or drink or somthing, I'll do it in the kitchen then come back online. My online life can wait.

Now just have to get some good music for cleaning up. hmmm....what to listen to while cleaning my room. (The good news is I can blast it)


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